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France 1900. A Portrait in Color | 9783836595940 | Portada


Marc Walter

Precio: 75.00€

Oferta: 71.25€ (-5%)

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9783836595940
  • Año Edición 2024
  • Páginas 560
  • Encuadernación Tapa Dura
  • Idioma Inglés/Francés/Alemán


Between the Franco-Prussian War and World War I, France in the 1900s experienced a gilded moment of peace and prosperity. This edition curates a collection of vintage photographs, postcards, posters, and photochromes. From the Paris World’s Fair to the honey light of the Côte d’Azur, it’s a glimpse into an era of rose-tinted optimism.

France at the Turn of the Century

A tribute to the colorful joie de vivre of the Belle Époque

The turn of the 20th century was a golden era in France. It was an age of peace, prosperity, and progress after a series of bruising wars and turmoil within the French Republic, culminating in the Franco-Prussian War, which had ended in 1871. From the ruins of conflict, the Belle Époque brought joie de vivre flourish, a boom in art, design, industry, technology, gastronomy, education, travel, entertainment, and nightlife.

Through some 800 vintage photographs, postcards, posters, and photochromes from the extensive archives of Marc Walter and Photovintagefrance, France 1900 follows up on TASCHEN’s best-selling vintage photographic collections Italy 1900, The Grand Tour, and America 1900 to provide a precious record of France in all its turn-of-the-century glory. With the photochrome technique used in many of the images restoring the past to vivid color, we enjoy a bristling close, bittersweet, encounter with this hopeful age: the brave, stony splendor of the Mont Saint-Michel; the icy peaks of Chamonix; and the honey light of the Côte d’Azur.

With an introduction, six essays, and detailed commentary by Sabine Arqué exploring the stories behind the pictures, this is an unrivalled portrait of a nation on the cusp of the century and of its poignant exuberance before the paroxysm of the First World War. While paying tribute to the precious Belle Époque, crushed by the traumas of history, it also celebrates the unwavering allure of La Belle France, its beauty, culture, traditions, and legendary romance.


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