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How to Draw Teeth and Why it Matters | 9781647240448 | Portada


Elgendy, Hanan

Precio: 42.00€

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9781647240448
  • Año Edición 2022
  • Páginas 120
  • Encuadernación Expiral
  • Idioma Inglés


Understanding tooth morphology and anatomical form is crucial to being a good dentist, to ensure both function and esthetics. Dr Elgendy contends that the ability to draw an accurate outline of a tooth is a good indication that a student has clearly seen and understood its external morphology. After all, learning to draw the fine details of the tooth is really learning to see them in the first place. For this reason, the author created this book to guide dental students to seeing and reproducing tooth morphology. The workbook begins with the basics of drawing and quickly shifts to the details of each tooth and how to tackle its morphology. Practice pages are included for each tooth, with extra pages at the end for further practice. Part art book and part workbook, this beautiful publication will inspire students and dentists alike to better see, and therefore capture what they see in their restorations.


Chapter 1. Introduction to Drawing: A Path to Creativity
Chapter 2. Drawing with Measurements
Chapter 3. Freehand Drawing


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