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Omer Arbel | 9781838662530 | Portada


Arbel Omer

Precio: 79.95€

Oferta: 75.95€ (-5%)

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9781838662530
  • Año Edición 2021
  • Páginas 480
  • Encuadernación Tapa Dura
  • Idioma Inglés


A dynamic, highly visual, and in-depth study of the celebrated multi-disciplinary designer and master of sculptural lighting

The work of Omer Arbel moves fluidly between the fields of design, architecture, sculpture, and invention. This monograph brings together twenty-three compelling projects — from lighting works for Bocci to furniture and houses — to reveal practice founder Arbel’s radical design ethos, which is rooted in experimentation and collaboration.
Organized by four thematic chapters and richly illustrated with beautiful product photography interwoven with material studies and prototypes, this book provides unique insight into Arbel’s highly diverse practice.


2025 © Vuestros Libros Siglo XXI | Desarrollo Web Factor Ideas

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