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Protocols for Mobile Dental Photography with Auxiliary Lighting | 9780867159462 | Portada


Hardan, Louis

Precio: 78.00€

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9780867159462
  • Año Edición 2020
  • Páginas 128
  • Encuadernación Tapa Dura
  • Idioma Inglés


Billions of photographs are taken worldwide each day, and most of them are captured with a smartphone. In the context of clinical dentistry, many clinicians use their smartphone to take clinical photographs for communication or documentation simply because they cannot operate or afford a professional camera. Author Louis Hardan understands too well how a poorly taken photograph can compromise the quality of dentistry delivered to the patient, which is why he launched the Mobile Dental Photography (MDP) project in 2012. He wanted to find a way to make documentation and communication easy and affordable to all dentists and laboratory technicians, including students. In this book he outlines how to use the smartphone camera with auxiliary lighting and accessories to take photographs for treatment planning, documentation and self-evaluation, communication with the patient and laboratory technician, tracking the evolution of treatment, as well as for publishing, lecturing, and insurance and medicolegal purposes. He also shows how to take artistic photographs to wow your followers on social media and effectively market your practice online. You really can get similar-quality images with a smartphone camera as with a DSLR camera; you just need to know how to use it. This book is the key.


1. Introduction
2. Why Document?
3. Advantages of Mobile Dental Photography
4. Specifications of a Smartphone Camera
5. Accessories Needed for MDP
6. Types of Light
7. Smile Lite MDP
8. Important Rules for MDP
9. How to Take Intraoral Photographs with MDP
10. How to Take Extraoral Photographs with MDP
11. Mobile Dental Video
12. Applications of MDP


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