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Systems engineering. Theory and practice 2019 | 9788484687887 | Portada


Sols, Alberto

Precio: 50.00€

Oferta: 47.5€ (-5%)

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9788484687887
  • Año Edición 2019
  • Páginas 366
  • Encuadernación Rústica
  • Idioma Inglés


This book is about engineered systems, or human-made artifacts, and it is applicable to all industrial sectors. This book is aimed at helping practitioners get a better understanding of the concept of systems approach to engineering systems and on how to actually implement it.


1. Science, engineering and systems engineering

2. The systems approach

3. The systems engineering framework

4. The need or business opportunity

5. Requirements engineering and management

6. System design and development

7. Verification and validation: testing, technical reviews and integration

8. Federations of systems and systems of systems

Annex I - Case study

Annex II - Bibliography

Annex III - Acronyms

Annex IV - Selected definitions



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