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SURGERY FOR RHEUMATIC DISEASES | 9783132400078 | Portada


Sell, S. - Rehart, S.

Precio: 103.99€

Oferta: 98.79€ (-5%)

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9783132400078
  • Año Edición 2017
  • Páginas 170
  • Idioma Inglés


This operative atlas is a detailed guide to the most important standard surgical options for advanced rheumatic disease. Procedures are presented with a rich variety of color photographs and exquisite illustrations.

The concept

Clearly laid out representation of all standard procedures in orthopaedic surgery for rheumatic diseases, with emphasis on the hand and foot
Concise and consistently structured texts make for efficient uptake of the material
Adjunct information on indications, patient communications, instruments, positioning, approaches, key incisions, complications, and aftercare
Detailed photographs illustrate the procedures step by step
Precise drawings support comprehension of the anatomic relationships involved in each step of the procedure

Contents-richly and realistically illustrated

More than 400 superb images, showing all relevant details of anatomy and individual surgical steps
The focus is on procedures for the hand and foot, while the elbow, shoulder, ankle, knee, hip and spine are also shown in detail


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