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Territories of Disobedience | 9781945150203 | Portada


Linna Choi, Tarik Oualalou

Precio: 29.00 €

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9781945150203
  • Año Edición 2017
  • Páginas 416
  • Encuadernación Tapa Dura
  • Idioma Inglés


This compendium of essays and projects presents a confrontation of radically dissimilar projects which underscores the exploration of architectural empowerment at the core of the office’s work. Four themes are presented in four volumes: Cultural Resistance, Occupying Earth, Public Prerogatives, and Territory and Transgressions.

Architects build in and for a system that is not only pathological, but toxic. It is ruining the only planet we have, and we are clearly at the end of what is still possible within this ecology.

The architecture presented in this book is a form of resistance – one which actively engages in the societies and territories it is inscribed in and which presents an antidote to the accelerating banalization of our everyday environments. The search for singularity is not a search for formal distinction or a fetishism of the architectural object, but instead the desire to inscribe oneself into a unique territory and moment in time.


2025 © Vuestros Libros Siglo XXI | Desarrollo Web Factor Ideas

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