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Noncarious Cervical Lesions and Cervical Dentin Hypersensitivity: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment | 9780867157147 | Portada


Soares, Paulo V.; Grippo, John O.

Precio: 155.00€

Oferta: 147.25€ (-5%)

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9780867157147
  • Año Edición 2017
  • Páginas 208
  • Encuadernación Tapa Dura
  • Idioma Inglés


Cervical dentin hypersensitivity (CDH) and noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs) are common findings in modern clinical practice. Although research has shown that NCCLs are a multifactorial condition involving the three mechanisms of stress, biocorrosion, and friction, few dentists know how to treat them effectively. Similarly, CDH has been an enigma for many years, and practitioners often try to treat the symptoms rather than seek an answer to their etiology. In addition, little attention has been given to their mutual etiologic mechanisms of cervical stress concentration from occlusal loading and endogenous/exogenous biocorrosion. Therefore, this book approaches CDH and NCCLs together and outlines the history, mechanisms, and, most important, the clinical methods of treatment for these pathologies. It is about time we as dentists learn how to treat and prevent these conditions in clinical practice. This involves greater diagnostic effort and alteration of treatment protocols to (1) reduce dietary intake/exposure to acids, (2) manage reflux diseases, and (3) consider the significance of occlusal therapies. After reading this book, the student or clinician will be able to diagnose and treat clinical cases of NCCLs and CDH.


Section I Introduction
Chapter 01. History, Prevalence, and Etiology of NC CLs and CDH
Chapter 02. Anatomical Considerations: Enamel, Dent in and Periodontium

Section II Mechanisms of Action
Chapter 03. Stress
Chapter 04. Friction
Chapter 05. Biocorrosion

Section III Diagnosis and Treatment
Chapter 06. Morphologic Characteristics of NCCLs
Chapter 07. Clinical Analysis and Diagnosis of CDH and NCCLs
Chapter 08. Nonrestorative Protocols: Occlusal, Che mical, and Laser Therapies
Chapter 09. Restorative Protocols: Adhesive Bonding , Materials, and Techniques
Chapter 10. Surgical Protocols: Periodontal Therapy and Root Coverage


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