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eVolo Skyscrapers 3: Visionary Architecture and Urban Design | 9781938740220 | Portada


Carlo Aiello

Precio: 75.00 €

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9781938740220
  • Año Edición 2016
  • Páginas 650
  • Idioma Inglés


The future of architecture and urban design unveiled by 150 innovative projects submitted to the world-renowned eVolo Skyscraper Competition.

The third book in the Skyscraper Competition series showcases visionary designs that utilize the latest technological advances, offer sustainable architectural solutions, explore new territories, propose social change, and examine radical urban strategies.

Since 2006 the annual Skyscraper Competition receives thousands of entries from more than 80 different countries. The projects presented in this edition represent the top entries selected by an expert international jury.


2025 © Vuestros Libros Siglo XXI | Desarrollo Web Factor Ideas

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