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Esthetics in Dentistry | 9781850972938 | Portada


Schwartz-Arad, Devorah

Precio: 178.00€

Oferta: 169.10€ (-5%)

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9781850972938
  • Año Edición 2016
  • Páginas 320
  • Encuadernación Tapa Dura
  • Idioma Inglés


With contributions by Debora Ayala Walverde | Evgenia Durnovo | Chiori Hashiba | Miho Hayashi | Kirsti Humerinta | Veena Jain | Henriette Lerner | Amélie Mainjot | Saiesha K. | Mistry | Katalin Nagy | Hyun Oh | Devorah Schwartz-Arad | Nassem Shah | Meriting Thokoane | Lezize Şebnem Türkün | Beatriz R. Vilaboa | Debora R. Vilaboa

A unique collaboration between 17 internationally renowned women dentists has resulted in an inspirational textbook on esthetics in modern dentistry. Illustrated with over 800 figures, the book presents a thorough overview of various aspects of esthetics, including orthodontics and orthognathics, implant therapy, restoration, rehabilitation, materials, trauma, and surgery.

Each author also provides fascinating insights into her journey to become a successful female dentist in a male-dominated industry. The stories differ, but the results are the same - excellent patient care and excellent esthetics.

"My sincere hope is that, over and above its professional contribution to the dental community, this book will encourage both young and experienced women dentists to escalate their knowledge, wisdom, and artistic talent, and to have the impact on the dental community they so rightly deserve."
Dr Devorah Schwartz-Arad


The esthetic smile
• Teeth and jaw posture behind the attractive smile: Orthodontic and orthognathic aspects
• How to detect facial defects to create a perfect smile
• Smile design
• Esthetics and orthodontics: Alignment for a perfect smile
• Creating the smile with dental implants

Esthetics in adults
• Anterior conservative rehabilitation with composite resin
• Esthetic rehabilitation of endodontically treated anterior teeth
• Adult orthodontics: Collapsed arch patients
• Full-mouth reconstruction and esthetic implant therapy
• Premature tooth wear and esthetic dentistry
• A holistic approach to esthetics in prosthodontics

Materials for esthetic treatment
• Dental ceramics: Classifications and indications

Surgery for long-term esthetics
• Horizontal bone augmentation: Achieving long-term predictable outcomes in implant placement
• Facial esthetics after tumor/trauma-surgeries and congenital defects
• Combined surgical procedures for improving the esthetics in moderate to severe bone deficiency in the anterior maxilla


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