Mauricio Enrique De Franceschi
Datos técnicos
Atlas entirely dedicated to avian coccidiosis with a practical and visual approach of the topic. This handbook (visual-type) has been written by a renowned expert with a wide experience in coccidiosis management in poultry farming. An up-to-date review has been carried out including the most important points to be tackled, such as aetiology, epidemiology, clinical signs, etc. In addition, information focused on diagnosis and control has been developed, emphasizing techniques designed to detect this protozoon and current vaccination programmes. The atlas format makes the contents understandable and accessible to readers.
1. Introduction
Economic impact
2. General characteristics
Main features of genus Eimeria
Life cycle of Eimeria spp.
Main features of avian coccidiosis
3. Epidemiology
Predisposing factors (parasite, host and environment)
4. Biology
Biological cycle of coccidia in the host intestine
Ultrastructure of Eimeria sporozoite
Description of the apical complex
Developmental stages of Eimeria spp.
5. Pathogenesis
Disease course
6. Immune mechanisms
7. Clinical coccidiosis
Clinical signs
Macroscopic lesions
Histopathological lesions
8. Subclinical coccidiosis
General characteristics
Productivity parameters
9. Diagnosis
Clinical coccidiosis
Subclinical coccidiosis
Species identification
10. Control
General aspects
Auxiliary product
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