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BAMBOO DESING GUIDE & 59 CASE STUDY | 9788415492818 | Portada



Precio: 55.00€

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9788415492818
  • Año Edición 2015
  • Páginas 300
  • Idioma Inglés


This volume uncovers contemporary architecture and design s resurgent love affair with bamboo. Light, stiff, strong and incredibly fast growing, bamboo is a true super-plant, and in construction it is becoming a super-material. Used in many cultures for generations, it is enjoying a renewal of interest around the world due to its unique properties and the wide range of uses it can be put to. Collected here are some of the most beautiful, creative and cutting edge bamboo projects of recent years, illustrated with full color photographs, plans, and the architects explanations of their techniques and inspirations. ... Leer resumen completoOcultar resumen completo


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