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Huizing, E. - De Groot, J. - Huizing, E.

Precio: 93.59€

Oferta: 88.91€ (-5%)

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Datos técnicos

  • Edición
  • ISBN 9783131294128
  • Año Edición 2015
  • Páginas 352
  • Encuadernación Tapa Dura
  • Idioma Inglés


Developed from the authors' vast teaching and clinical experience, here is the first book in nearly two decades to fully cover the functional reconstructive aspects of nasal surgery. You will find step-by-step details on a wide range of surgical procedures, highlighted by more than 800 detail-revealing illustrations.

Beginning with an overview of surgical anatomy, histology, physiology, and diagnostics, the book goes on to cover incisions and approaches for surgery of the septum, pyramid, lobule, turbinate, and nasal cavity. An important section on special considerations addresses pediatric surgery, transplants, acute nasal trauma, mentoplasty; implants; complications; and more. The extensive appendix includes coverage of materials, instruments, nomenclature, and historical developments.

Special features of this valuable surgical guide:

· Extensively illustrated with over 800 drawings - more than two per page!
· Focuses on state-of-the-art functional rhinologic techniques rather than aesthetic aspects
· A thorough description of the anatomic information you'll need for successful surgery
· Written by two eminent surgeons who have developed and taught these courses throughout the world

All otorhinolaryngologists, maxillofacial surgeons, facial plastic surgeons, and residents who perform functional reconstructive nasal surgery will benefit from this wealth of information. A valuable addition to any professional or personal library.


1 Basics 1
Surgical Anatomy 1
Histological Features of the Main Nasal Structures and Their Implications for Nasal Surgery 27
Nasal Development and Growth 40
Surgical Physiology 46

2 Pathology and Diagnosis 57
Nasal Syndromes 57
Nasal Symptoms - The Most Common Deformities, Abnormalities, and Anatomical Variations 71
Diagnosis and Documentation 96

3 Surgery - General 112
Concepts of Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery 112
Preoperative and Postoperative Care 114
Anesthesia and the Bloodless Surgical Field 11ä
Antibiotics and Corticosteroids in Nasal Surgery 12ä

4 Incisions and Approaches 124
General 124
Main Incisions 125
Special Incisions - External 131
Special Incisions - Endonasal 13ä
Stab Incisions 13ä
Incisions to Avoid 13ä

5 Septal Surgery 140
Septal Surgery - An Essential Element of Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery 140
Basic of Septal Surgery - The Six Phases of Septal Surgery 1ä
Special Problems of Septal Surgery 157
Septal Surgery in Children 171
Septal Hematoma and Abscess 175
Septal Perforation 180

6 Pyramid Surgery 192
Osteotomies - Mobilizing and Repositioning the Bony Pyramid 192
Wedge Resection 206
Hump Removal 212
Saddle Nose Correction 219
Valve Surgery 228

7 Lobular Surgery 239
Approaches to the Lobule 239
Tip Surgery 246
Alar Surgery 259
Columellar Surgery 268
Vestibular Surgery 273

8 Surgery of the Nasal Cavity 276
Turbinate Surgery 276
Surgery of the Wide Nasal Cavity 285
Endonasal Surgery of the Infundibulum, Ethmoid Bone, and Maxillary Sinus 290

9 Special Subjects 296
Acute Nasal Trauma 296
Nasal Surgery in Children 302
Nasal Surgery in the Unilateral Cleft-Lip Nose 304
The Nose and Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders 308
Approaches to the Nasal Cavity, Sinuses, and Skull Base 309
Transplants and Implants 316
Retrusion of the Mandible and Mentoplasty 323
The Tissue Bank 325
Complications - Prevention and Treatment 327
Patient Complaints and Medicolegal Problems 342

10 Appendix 343
Materials 343
Instruments 348
Physical Laws Governing Airstreams 363
Schemes of Vascularization and Nerve Supply 365
Historical Development of Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery 366

Index 375


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