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Arquitectura Viva 164 | 97884 | Portada




Precio: 15.00 €

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 97884
  • Año Edición 2014
  • Encuadernación Rústica
  • Idioma Español


Sacred Spaces in the Heart of a Troubled Europe
(Dossier Towers)

Koolhaas’s Biennale
Zaha Hadid in Qatar
The World Cup Stadiums

Yorck Förster
Plural Soul

Mass on the Motorway
Schneider + Schumacher
Church on the A45, Wilnsdorf

Cubic Faith
Sauerbruch Hutton
Immanuel Church, Cologne

Zenithal Halo
Königs Architekten
Kirche am Meer, Schillig

Prayer of Light
John Pawson
St. Moritz Church, Augsburg

A Home for the Torah
Kister Scheithauer Gross
Synagogue, Ulm

Administrative Liturgy
Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei
Diocesan Offices, Rottenburg

Art / Culture

José Manuel García Roig
The Battle for ‘Kultur’
Intellectuals on War

Joaquín Medina Warmburg
Animated Glass
Bruno Taut and the Glashaus

From Ramp to Fireplace
The Collage in Architecture
Schmitthenner: Monograph
Building the Necessary
Publications Received

Technique / Construction

Ramón Araujo
More Skyscrapers

Stock Exchange of Shenzhen

Rafael Moneo
Puig Tower in Barcelona

Jean Nouvel
Hotel at the Fira de Barcelona

Dominique Perrault
DC Towers in Vienna


Eduardo Mangada
Plans for the polis


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