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Catalyst: Conditions | 9781940291000 | Portada


Ghazal Abbasy-Asbagh

Precio: 28.00 €

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9781940291000
  • Año Edición 2013
  • Páginas 256
  • Encuadernación Rústica
  • Idioma Inglés


While the cyclical nature of the academic setting demands short-term projects, which remain unresolved, and are judged in only a few minutes by a panel of experts, these projects become the seed of an interest in the topics and approaches that are 5 at the core of design pedagogy.

This edited volume gathers a range of formats, project types, ; scales, and representation styles within the framework of various disciplinary processes, research agendas, and pedagogical approaches, under the rubric of one institution. The thread that ties all the work together is a decided investment in responding to the forces that shape our contemporary reality.

This volume should be considered as a litmus test to measure whether environmental conditions-sociopolitical or climatic, notwithstanding their cultural, technological and disciplinary contexts-are catalysts for new modes of practice and pedagogy.

To this end, the contents are organized by conditions: crisis, stasis, and flux.


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