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ATLAS OF HEAD AND NECK ULTRASOUND | 9783131603517 | Portada


Iro, H.

Precio: 135.19€

Oferta: 128.43€ (-5%)

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9783131603517
  • Año Edición 2013
  • Páginas 268
  • Idioma Inglés


This state-of-the-art, multimedia atlas - with videos and interactive exercises - demonstrates the full range of infectious, acute, chronic, benign, and malignant head and neck lesions that can be diagnosed with ultrasound. Enhanced by more than 500 images obtained with the latest equipment for optimal quality, the book offers a wealth information for clinicians at all levels.


Provides comprehensive, A-Z coverage of the field - from technical basis, anatomic landmarks and hands-on examination techniques to complex interdisciplinary topics
Makes it simple to look up typical imaging findings and quickly locate the associated clinical information
Shares the expertise of a world-renowned team who perform - and teach - more than 3500 ultrasound examinations per year
Offers online access to chapter-specific videos for instant visualization of sonographic findings and techniques


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