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MEASUREMENTS IN SPINE CARE | 9783131711915 | Portada


Chapman, J. - Lee, M. - Hermsmeyer, J. - Dettori, J. - Norvell, D.

Precio: 161.19€

Oferta: 153.13€ (-5%)

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9783131711915
  • Año Edición 2012
  • Páginas 380
  • Idioma Inglés


In the course of evaluating the patient with spinal disease, a myriad of measurements need to be performed before determining the diagnosis and severity of the disease process. This text explicitly outlines the measurement of the spine from a clinical, laboratory and radiographic approach. A detailed description of the actual technique of measurement and the clinical implication are presented with accompanying illustrations. this amalgamation of measurements tools for the spine is a beneficial reference for a wide spectrum of healthcare providers: students, nurses, residents, fellows, and stablished surgeons.


Allows the reader to accurately reproduce measurement techniques, a crucial issue for correct diagnosis and treatment
All measurement techniques have been graded for both scientific and clinical utility. This is a unique information that is not available anywhere else.


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